What is Micro workers ?

Microworkers is a modern Foundation, worldwide online that connects companies and employees from around the Earth. Our unique guarantee approach companies compensated a process is a process acted efficiently, while simultaneously assuring employees that a job of finishing is a compensated.
Just as suggested by its name, the projects allocated to employees and paid by the companies are easy and easy, mostly completed in a few moments, as well, are named 'micro tasks. These projects include easy registration, submitting projects of social bookmarks, Community contribution, travel Web site, videos rating or content, voting place, competition records, adding comments, indicating the tracks, creating incoming links, writing comments or content, install the application and son more.
Join Microworkers is free of charge, and a Web site in the world, which any nation may be a member.
Becoming a participant of Microworkers is free of charge, and a Web site in the world, which any nation can be a participant.

C ontrole panel

S ome tasks

M ethods of payment